How Do I Add or Remove a Moderator?

You can add or remove moderators to monitor your stream and ensure everyone follows your rules and guidelines. The following steps outline how to add and remove a moderator.  

Add a Moderator

Follow these steps to add a moderator:

  1. Tap settings.

    User profile showing settings, followers, and streak information on a social media app.

  2. Scroll down to Safety and tap Stream moderators.

    Settings menu showing options for managing stream moderators and blocked users.

  3. Tap the + icon.

    The screen displays a message indicating no stream moderators are found.

  4. Search for the moderator you want to add.

    Interface for adding moderators with a search bar for user input.

  5. Click the + icon to the right of their name.

    User interface for adding moderators with highlighted username and add button.

  6. Tap Done.

    User interface for adding moderators with a highlighted 'Done' button.

    Your moderator is now added.

How to Remove a Moderator

Follow these steps to remove a moderator:

  1. Tap settings.

    User profile showing settings, followers, and streak information on a social media app.

  2. Scroll down to Safety and tap Stream moderators.

    Settings menu showing options for managing stream moderators and blocked users.

  3. Tap X to the right of the moderator’s name to remove them.

    User interface showing stream moderators with a search bar and remove option.

  4. Tap Remove.

    Confirmation prompt to remove ewhite252 as a stream moderator with options to confirm.

    The moderator is now removed from your account.